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Santa Fe Shares Insights on Australia's Latest Immigration Updates

<p>Australian Immigration Updates</p>

The Australian Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) has recently announced significant changes to several of its visa programs including subclass 457, Short Stay Activity visas (400 series) and the Subclass 188 (Business Innovation and Investment) visa. In addition the introduction of a five-year Temporary Parent visa has been proposed.

Employer Sponsored temporary work visa, Subclass 457

Currently subclass 457 visa holders who cease to be employed by their sponsor for whatever reason have 90 days to either depart Australia or lodge a new application before they are considered to be in breach of visa conditions and subject to cancellation provisions. For applications approved after 19 November 2016, the ‘grace period’ will be reduced to 60 days. Subclass 457 visa holders who seek to change employers or cease to be employed for whatever reason after 19 November 2016 must take this reduction in time into consideration.

The ‘400 Series’ Visas

The 400 series includes Occupational Trainee, Temporary Work (Short Stay Specialist), Temporary Activity and International Relations. DIBP has announced that subject to approval by the Governor General, a number of reforms will be made to this group of visas effective 19 November 2016.

Temporary Parent Visa

Recognising that parents should be afforded the opportunity to visit their children and grandchildren in Australia, the government has proposed a new 5 year temporary visa for parents of Australian citizens or permanent residents.

Subclass 188 Visa – Entrepreneur Stream

DIBP has introduced an additional ‘stream’ in the subclass 188 (Business Innovation and Investment) Visa category for entrepreneurs. Applicants must be under 55 years of age and be nominated by a State or Territory government.

Santa Fe believes that while the forthcoming changes to Australian Immigration legislation are intended to simplify the current visa framework, these changes will present a number of challenges and complications particularly as far as the transitional arrangements are concerned.

For further information or assistance please contact:

Australian Contact Details:

Simon Delmo
Senior Consultant
Registered Migration Agent No. 1066328
Tel: +61 3 9554 7393
Email: simon.delmo@santaferelo.com

Tara Ende
National Immigration Service Delivery Manager
Registered Migration Agent No. 0742398
Tel: +61 2 9262 4477
Email: tara.ende@santaferelo.com

Ivan Chait
Immigration Services General Manager
Registered Migration Agent No. 9253612
Tel: +61 2 9262 4477
Email: ivan.chait@santaferelo.com