

About Delegations

AustCham Shanghai provides both off-the-rack and bespoke delegations for companies, peak bodies and facilitators. We tailor delegations to executives looking to increase their understanding of the unique China opportunity and challenges. We also support SME owners exploring market entry opportunities.

Read more about the 2017 E-Commerce Delegation we led in Shanghai and Hangzhou

Delegates are exposed to leading experts in set-up and market entry, IP protection, economics and demographics, foreign investment and capital controls, corporate governance, regulation and law. AustCham Shanghai runs stand-alone delegations and also partners with organisations to deliver bespoke content and itineraries.

These delegations are tailored but generally run anywhere from 3 to 9 days.

"The arrival of the Lord Mayor’s business delegation to Shanghai provided a unique opportunity to hold a Business Matching Service between Australian companies and companies working in Shanghai. The forum began with guest speakers including The Right Honourable Lord Mayor of Brisbane, followed by presentations regarding business and investment opportunities in Brisbane and China. This was followed by Business Matching Meetings which provided the perfect opportunity for Australian businesses to connect with potential local partners for future business endeavours."

Counselor Graham Quirk, Lord Mayor of Brisbane

<p>E-commerce delegation AustCham Shanghai photo</p>
"AustCham Shanghai worked with the State Government of Victoria to present an exclusive lunch with the Honourable Louise Asher MP. Hosted at the venerable Fairmont Peace Hotel this luncheon provided attendees with the opportunity to meet with the minister and hear her thoughts and insights on the importance of the Victoria and Chinese relationship and future directions for Victoria’s engagement with China."

The Honourable Louise Asher MP

Our standard delegation format is a high-paced, 7-day, 6-night immersive experience that exposes delegates to in-market operators, potential partners, investors, suppliers, and government officials across multiple cities. This format ensures executives are only away for one working week.

Delegates will network with Australians who have delivered success in the market and meet relevant trade and investment officials. Site tours allow delegates to get a better understanding of the Chinese marketplace and replace assumptions about China with facts and experiences.

Every successful China strategy requires Australia-based leaders to develop a deeper knowledge of China. AustCham Shanghai offers the best China crash course available.

Please contact Ruby Yu, Business Engagement Manager, to find out more about our delegations.