澳蒙国际中澳校区跨境交流项目正式启动 | MAG We Share Program Was Launched
今天,澳蒙国际非常高兴地向大家宣布,我们正式启动澳蒙国际全球校区跨境交流项目 — We Share 项目。自此,在澳大利亚和中国境内的澳蒙国际在读学员可以定期通过视频连线的方式进行互动交流。
Today, Montessori Academy is excited to announce that we have officially launched the MAG global campuses cross-border communication program - We Share Program. Since then, MAG kids in Australia and China can interact regularly through video conference.
We Share是澳蒙国际新推出的一个特色教学活动,旨在为来自中国和澳大利亚校区的幼儿提供符合其年龄和认知水平的有趣话题(结合每月的探究主题),鼓励幼儿通过在线互动进行自由表达和交流,从而帮助幼儿实现以下学前阶段的发展:
WE SHARE is a featured program designed to provide children from MAG campuses in both China and Australia with interesting topics (based on the monthly research topics) that are in line with children's cognition of young children's ages, and encourage young children to express and communicate freely through online interaction, so as to help establish the stage of early childhood development in:
Independent expression
Social skills (cross-cultural environment)
Divergent thinking
Bilingual communication ability
As early as May this year, the teams from the Australian headquarter and China BD were actively planning the design and implementation of this program, and carried out a very successful pilot in Beijing campus. The children played together online, "Guess what toy I hid?" In this game, many children guessed the right answer through multiple rounds of questions about the characteristics of the toy and narrowing the range of guesses.
During the interaction, children from both countries raised their hands to speak enthusiastically, demonstrating the curiosity, self-confidence, logical thinking ability, and also the great joy brought by this unique experience.
自We Share项目进入筹备阶段就受到了各个校区老师们的热捧,中国境内的5家校区和澳大利亚境内的23家校区主动报名参加定期交流活动。
Since the preparatory stage of the We Share Program, it has been warmly welcomed by teachers in all campuses. 5 campuses in China and 23 campuses in Australia have actively signed up to participate in regular cross-boarder communication activities.
为了让所有报名的校区都能参与进来,中国校区的每一个班级都会固定结对澳大利亚的一个校区,还特别颁发了"We Are Connected (我们连线了) " 中澳校区连线证书。
In order to enable all registered campuses to participate, each class in the Chinese campuses will be tied to a specific Australian campus, and a "We Are Connected" certificate has been specially issued.
本月,结合探究主题《宠物王国》,We Share的分享主题是“宠物”。小朋友们可以准备自己家里宠物的照片或者画画,与班级同学以及屏幕那端的外国小朋友们分享关于它的所有事情:它是什么动物?它是什么颜色?它体型大不大?它喜欢吃什么食物?它平时喜欢做什么?
In November, we are gonna share the thopic "Pets" in combination with monthly research theme "Pet Kingdom". The children can prepare pictures or drawings of their pets and share everything about them with their classmates and foreign children on the other side of the screen: What animal is it? What color is it? Is it big? What food does it like to eat? What does it usually like to do?
澳大利亚Earlwood校区的小朋友画下了她的小猫Zeinab,展示给杭州平安金融校区的小朋友看,隔着屏幕都可以感受到澳大利亚小朋友的认真劲儿 — “认真对待每一件重要的事情”,是我们大家的榜样。
One kid from Earlwood Campus in Australia drew her cat Zeinab and showed it to the kids from Hangzhou Ping An Campus. We can feel her seriousness through the screen - "Take every important thing seriously", which is an example for all of us.
让我们期待We Share项目在澳蒙国际全球校区中成功推广,让中澳两国的孩子受益于无界限的交流和快乐的分享。
Let's look forward to the success of promotion of We Share Program among all Montessori Academy campuses globally, and wish our kids enjoy the boundless communication and share of happiness in Australia and China.
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