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Fencing, Robotics, Music, Art - Join Our "Find Your Passion Day"


"We invite all curious 6-10 year olds and their parents to join our bespoke 'Find Your Passion Day' to ignite your true enthusiasm and start your exciting journey with Dulwich Pudong Junior School's holistic education!"

For this event, your child will have the chance to experience Fencing, Robotics, Chinese Drumming and Art, just a few of the highlighted programmes from our Junior School curriculum.



Parents will hear from Ms. Victoria Foster, Head of Junior School, as well as meet with the Junior School Leadership Team and take an immersive tour of the campus. Both parents and students are invited.

家长将有机会现场聆听小学校长Victoria Foster女士干货满满的主题演讲,以及和小学部领导团队见面和沉浸式参观校园的机会。欢迎有意了解我校的家长和学生报名参加。

Do you want to know 你想知道这些问题的答案吗

01 How do I find my child's passion? 我该如何发现孩子的兴趣所在?

02 How does school develop passion in children? 学校是如何发展孩子的潜在兴趣爱好的?

03 How can parents help their child find their true passion? 家长应该如何引导孩子挖掘自己所真正热衷的领域?


Fencing 击剑


Robotics 机器人


Drumming 中国击鼓


Arts 美术


Spaces are limited. Scan the QR code below to sign up for Dulwich Pudong's Junior School Open Day. 扫描以下图片上的二维码注册参加小学部公开日活动。


Make your own question list. ✍