
  • Tech & E-Commerce

现场|邂逅澳式风情, 澳范儿品质生活体验日在上海举行 | AuFan's Australian Product Event

On Saturday, 11 May AUFans hosted a product event for KOLs and consumers in Shanghai.

5月11日,“澳范儿品质生活体验日”上海站成功举行,来自澳洲相关商业的行业精英、代表品质生活的头部KOL以及澳货达人,齐聚位于上海的Jenny Packham亚洲旗舰店,一起将气质英伦风融入天然澳式风情,把品质生活呈现的淋漓尽致。

<p>AUFan product event - May 2019</p>

AUFans is an Chinese digital agency that focuses on promoting and reviewing Australian products. It has over 1 million followers on Little Red Book小红书. The event provided KOLs and consumers with the opportunity to learn more about Australian products and share their experiences.



Check out AUFans' official event recap here