

New Member Feature: GM Tours Pty Ltd


In this week’s new member feature, AustCham Shanghai would like to welcome on board GM Tours Pty Ltd!

GM Tours is an Australian leading tourism management agency. The headquarter is located in Sydney Australia, with other branches in Beijing, London and Shanghai (under planning) focusing on local markets promotions.

GM Tours main businesses include but not limited to:

1. Customized service to meet a range of requirements, including event planning and management, tour design and on the ground reception, etc.

2. Global students exchange programs, promote Australian schools, colleges, and universities through cooperation on international education, executive training, summer camp, student exchange, and vocational training programs.

GM Tours是澳大利亚领先的旅游管理机构。我们的总部位于澳大利亚悉尼,其他分支机构包括北京、伦敦和上海(计划中)主要专注于当地的市场推广。


1. 量身定制的服务,从策划、接待到活动管理,以协助我们的客户促进与澳大利亚交易对手的合作;

2. 全球学生交流项目,通过加强在国际教育项目、短期课程、夏令营、互动学习项目和职业培训方面的合作,促进澳大利亚学校、学院和大学的发展。

Welcome onboard Geng Ma and team! We look forward to working with you all in the year ahead.