
  • Study Melbourne Hub Pitch Bootcamp

A Successful Study Melbourne Hub Pitch Bootcamp

AustCham Shanghai was very proud to run the Study Melbourne Hub Pitch Bootcamp last Saturday the 28th of August at Study Melbourne Hub Shanghai in collaboration with the Victorian Government and Pitch Bootcamp. It was a great turnout bringing together 70+ students from Victorian universities and 60+ leaders across different industries to advance the careers of young talents.

Thank you to the Victorian Government and Study Melbourne Hub Shanghai for sponsoring the entire day, student participation and providing the amazing venue for the event. Thanks to Brett Stevens, Commissioner to Greater China for the Victorian Government and Terry Wang, the Education Service Manager at Invest Victoria for the continuous support to students in China and for giving the warm welcoming speeches on the day.

A huge thank you to all judges for coming to support our students by providing feedback on their interview skills and sharing some inspiring advice for their future careers. It was a unique and valuable experience for students to meet with professionals from great Australian companies, Fortune 500, and successful startups of different industries. Our judges were also impressed by the communication skills, diverse experience and background of the students.

Special thanks to Unice Liu from Baldwin Boyle Group, Chester Wang from ANZ, Nick Alston from Coles and Frances Gong from CPA Australia for running a panel session at the end of the day to share their career stories and insights with our students.

Lastly a big thank you to Ricardo Moreira the Pitch Bootcamp China Program Manager and all the volunteers for the great effort in organising this amazing event with the Chamber and making everything possible.

If you are interested in running joint programs with AustCham Shanghai or joining the AustCham community, feel free to reach out to us.

About Pitch Bootcamp

Pitch Bootcamp is a one-day career acceleration program that brings together extraordinary companies and talented youngsters. During the day, candidates explore their skills, map their careers and learn how to pitch themselves to high level professionals from leading companies.