
  • Advocacy

AustChams and ACBC Met to Help Write the New Rules of Engagement

Last week the boards of the Australia China Business Council (ACBC), the China-Australia Chamber of Commerce Chapters in Beijing, West China and South China (AustCham China), the Australian Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai (AustCham Shanghai) and the Australian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong (AustCham Hongkong) met to reaffirm their commitment to supporting their members’ successful business engagement in and with China including the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.


The boards shared information about their respective operations and ambitions and explored practical ways in which they can support bilateral business engagement, particularly in light of renewed intent from both the Australian and Chinese governments to stabilise the bilateral relationship.

Despite the challenges posed by restrictions on travel to China, meeting participants felt it was important for Australian businesses and institutions to be aware of developments in the China market and to stay engaged with their counterparts and stakeholders across key sectors and emerging areas of opportunity.

The AustCham teams and member companies located in key centers in China are an important resource that can be tapped, working with ACBC in Australia.


Similarly recognising that the settings for foreign investment in Australia are undergoing important changes in terms of the sectors where foreign investment is being sought, as well the laws relating to foreign investment, meeting participants felt now was the time to explore potential ways to collaborate on incubating Chinese investment into Australia in key areas of common interest such as climate change.


The meeting agreed to establish a working group to develop practical proposals including focusing on a number of high level industry engagement and investment initiatives.

AustCham Shanghai looks forward to closer collaborations with all involved!