


Visy is a global leader in packaging and resource recovery. The company's innovation, manufacturing and logistic capabilities are organised around an integrated closed loop. Together, they give life to tailored solutions that deliver enduring value for ou…
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Amazon Web Services

Since 2006, Amazon Web Services has been the world’s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud offering. Amazon Web Services has been continually expanding its services to support virtually any cloud workload, and it now has more than 200 fully feature…
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ANCA Machine Tools (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.

ANCA是市场领先的CNC磨床制造商。它成立于1974年,总部位于澳大利亚墨尔本。ANCA在英国,德国,中国,泰国,印度,日本,巴西和美国设有分支业务机构,并在全球范围内建立了全面的销售代表和代理商网络。ANCA CNC磨床用于制造精密切削刀具和零件,应用于包括刀具制造,汽车,航空航天,电子和医疗器械。 ANCA is a market leading manufacturer of CNC grinding machines. It was founded in 1974 in Melbourne, …
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Anglo American Resources Trading (China)Co.,Ltd

Anglo American is a globally diversified mining business. Our portfolio spans diamonds (De Beers), platinum, copper, iron ore and manganese, metallurgical and thermal coal, and nickel across a number of locations including South African, Chile, Brazil, Pe…
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ANKEN is an independent developer that builds success on caring for people and their environment. We are an urban renewal specialist that develops for quality of life with integrated solutions servicing the entire property life cycle. By converting and r…
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Antai College of Economics and Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Founded in 1896, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) is one of China’s oldest and most prestigious institutions of higher learning and consistently ranked top five in the nation. Antai College of Economics and Management (ACEM) has long been a leader in …
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AQL Holdings

AQL Holdings (AQL), headquartered in Sydney and with a subsidiary in Shanghai, offers its clients a wide range of professional services, including consulting and investment, talent strategy and executive search, PR and media, and horse racing. Mr.Tony Z…
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Founded on true offroad passion, the ARB story started in Australia in 1975 when the company founder, Tony Brown, became inspired while 4WDing through the Top End of Australia. Tony began working in the family garage and that small idea grew into what ARB…
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Ashton Legal Services ILP Pty Ltd

Ashton Legal Services ILP Pty Ltd is a boutique law firm based in Sydney, made up of Australian immigration law experts, with over 20 years’ experience in inbound migration work. The focus our our practice includes Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) - 482, Em…

Ashton Valley Fresh

Ashton Valley Fresh is an Australian family owned company leading the industry in premium quality Australian fruit juice. We are there for our juice every step of the way. Based in the Adelaide Hills suburb of Ashton, South Australia, our mission is to p…
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