


Jones Lang LaSalle (NYSE:JLL) is a professional services and investment management firm offering specialized real estate services to clients seeking increased value by owning, occupying and investing in real estate. With annual revenue of $4.0 billion, Jo…

Martec China

The people of Martec all share one trait: we’re motivated to work harder and better than the competition. We are unshakeable believers in excellence, and don’t rest until our clients are confident they’re the smartest ones in the room. Founded in 1984, Th…
phone number and street address. JOIN NOW L https://www.austchamshanghai.com/en/members/directory/members-list/jlt-essential-benefit-solutions-corporation-limited

Juneyao Air

Founded in 2006, Juneyao Air is one of the leading private-owned carriers in China, and the first Connecting Partner of Star Alliance. Currently the airline reaches near 200 destinations in Asia and Europe, with a modern fleet of 100 aircrafts, comprising…
phone number and street address. JOIN NOW L https://www.austchamshanghai.com/en/members/directory/members-list/juneyao-air

Juneyao Air

上海吉祥航空股份有限公司,系上海均瑶(集团)有限公司控股子公司,于2006年9月正式开航运营。截止2024年10月,公司拥有92架空客A320系列客机与8架波音787-9梦想客机,形成双机队运输体系。吉祥航空品牌定位为更具亲和力的航空体验提供者,以上海、南京为航线网络中心,已通航百余个国内外重要城市,洲际航线更触及意大利、芬兰、希腊等欧洲国家,年均运输旅客超2500万人次。 吉祥航空于2017年5月正式成为星空联盟全球首家“优连伙伴”,迈出了公司国际化道路的重要一步;截至2018年11月,公司已与中国国…
phone number and street address. JOIN NOW L https://www.austchamshanghai.com/en/members/directory/members-list/juneyao-air-1


Founded in 1995, JunZeJun is one of the earliest, largest, and best private partnership law firms in China. Headquartering in Beijing, it established branch offices in Shanghai, Shenzhen, Nanjing, Chengdu, Tianjin, Guangzhou, Changsha, Hong Kong, Changchu…
phone number and street address. JOIN NOW L https://www.austchamshanghai.com/en/members/directory/members-list/junzejun-law-offices


For 35 years Jurlique has evolved what’s possible with pure, natural-based, botanical ingredients. At our biodynamic farm in the unspoiled Adelaide Hills in South Australia, each ingredient is intimately considered and harvested in its most powerful state…
phone number and street address. JOIN NOW L https://www.austchamshanghai.com/en/members/directory/members-list/jurlique

K & L Gates

K&L Gates LLP comprises more than 2,000 lawyers who practice in fully integrated offices located on five continents: Anchorage, Austin, Beijing, Berlin, Boston, Brisbane, Brussels, Charleston, Charlotte, Chicago, Dallas, Doha, Dubai, Fort Worth, Frankfurt…
phone number and street address. JOIN NOW L https://www.austchamshanghai.com/en/members/directory/members-list/k-l-gates

Kaiyu Education Technology

Education Technology and Sports??? – It makes perfect sense when we are developing a complete sports coaching, team management and competition system. We have Education, IT, and Qualified Sports Professionals, using world class coaching materials translat…
phone number and street address. JOIN NOW L https://www.austchamshanghai.com/en/members/directory/members-list/kaiyu-education-technology


KANVID is an independent 'Visual Content Creation' studio specialising in photos and videos for eCommerce use, short introductory videos, social media visual creations, and bespoke content creation. Everything we produce is made in-house using our team o…
phone number and street address. JOIN NOW L https://www.austchamshanghai.com/en/members/directory/members-list/kanvid

Kay & Burton

Kay & Burton is recognised as having a genuine alignment with premium properties in Australia. We are committed to offering the service and advice that builds lifelong relationships with our clients. Our credentials in the property industry have been hard…
phone number and street address. JOIN NOW L https://www.austchamshanghai.com/en/members/directory/members-list/kay-burton


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