
  • E-commerce
  • 2019

Tmall Top Talk Debrief 2019

Tmall held the Top Talk 2019 on April 24 in Hangzhou, sharing the latest eCommerce marketing trends with many top brands attended. In 2019, there will be some major innovations happening on important platform IPs such as Super Brand Day and Super Fans Day. Tmall is stressing again on their strategic ambition to become a marketing communication partner that will cooperate with brands closely more than a sales center.


Tmall identified three key initiatives that the platform will spend efforts on: brand marketing, new product innovation and optimizing consumers communication strategies. We will go through the trends in this article, and how they will be beneficial to the brands.

Firstly, in the aspect of new product innovation, Tmall takes a suit of measures from producing by TMIC (Tmall Innovation Center) to launch by Tmall Hey Box, making new products that will be able to go viral with accurate prediction. For example, Hey Box, will target the new product banner only to the identified potential consumers, and at early stage it will also adopt C2B model to co-create products for higher ROI. Before brands usually suffer from long time of R&D, now targeting launch makes resources investment more efficient and sales performance even better.

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