
  • Education and Training
  • environmental sustainbility

Dulwich College Shanghai Pudong Hosts The World’s Largest Environmental Sustainability Lesson.


More than 3000 students joined hands across Dulwich campuses in Asia to drive forward the global sustainability agenda on 30 October.

The world’s largest environmental sustainability lesson (multiple venues) was taught in-person by Mr Anthony Reich, Director of Global Citizenship at Dulwich College Shanghai Pudong and broadcast to all 11 schools within the Dulwich College International (DCI) network spanning eight cities – Beijing, Xi’an, Suzhou, Zhuhai, Seoul, Singapore and Yangon, in addition to Shanghai. A total of 3006 students participated in the lesson, and we achieved a GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™ title.

According to the UN, quality education is the foundation for creating sustainable development. Besides improving the quality of life, inclusive education can equip students with the tools and skills they need to develop innovative solutions to the world’s biggest problems. With this in mind, DCI built sustainability education into its curriculum to empower its students to shape green, low emission and climate-resilient societies.

“Our vision is for our students to Live Worldwise – to have the skills and motivation to make a positive difference in the world,” said Fraser White, co-founder, CEO and Chairman of Dulwich College International. “The environmental issues facing our planet are both a challenge and an opportunity. It is our responsibility to create future leaders who will champion sustainability across the globe but this also gives us an amazing chance to find new ways of working and new ways of teaching. The Largest Environmental Sustainability Lesson at Dulwich is a collaboration between the school and our students so they are engaged in designing and directing the learning experience. We are proud that this collaboration that the students co-designed has created a movement across all our campuses in Asia and clinched a world record."


Themed “Living a Sustainable Lifestyle”, the lesson demonstrated the importance of environmental protection and focused on enabling students to effect tangible positive change in their life. Students from Year 3 to Year 11 all played a critical role in all aspects of creating the learning experience, even developing the lesson content and designing the “sustainability pledges” to help support meaningful lifestyle changes.

Fifteen-year-old Isaac, former DCSPD student now at Dulwich College Beijing, combined his interest in web development with his love for the planet by developing together with Mr Phil Whitaker, Director of Educational Technology and Innovation here at DCSPD, from scratch the webpage to host these pledges.

“My previous experiences of being the main web developer at HakD, DCS hackathon, provided me with the opportunity and confidence to now be on the web development team of the homepage of the Largest Environmental Sustainability Lesson,” explained Isaac. “I love using the skills I've learnt to bridge my passions for STEAM and web development with an initiative that brings attention to the climate crisis, a massive problem facing our species.”

The Largest Environmental Sustainability Lesson kicks off “Sustainable November” – a larger month-long movement encouraging sustainable living across not only here at DCSPD but all of DCI’s family of schools. Students and staff will be encouraged to stay committed to the pledges they made as part of the lesson and support one another in building habits to make tangible and permanent lifestyle changes that will create a long-lasting impact. A big thank you to all the students and staff members that worked together with Mr Reich, Mr Whitaker, Mr Abass and the DCI team led by Jessie Wang to create a wonderful lesson for all our students from Year 3 to Year 11.

We are sure your children will come home excited about their 5 challenges, their teaspoons of change, that they will try and live by for the month of November. We hope you will join them.

Be a hummingbird - do the best you can!




由Anthony Reich - 世界公民总监主讲的全球最大规模环境可持续发展课程日前在上海德威外籍人员子女学校(浦东)开讲,课程同时向集团网络中的所有11所学校进行直播。这些学校遍布全球八个城市,包括上海、北京、西安、苏州、珠海、首尔、新加坡和仰光等,共计3006名学生参与了课程学习。规模之大,人数之众,创下了吉尼斯世界纪录。


“我们的愿景是培养能‘智胜全球’的学生——希望他们能拥有对世界做出积极改变的技能和动力”, 德威国际教育集团联合创始人、首席执行官兼董事长魏斐泽(Fraser White)表示,“地球所面临的各种环境问题对我们既是挑战,也是机遇。我们有责任培养能在全球引领可持续发展的未来领袖,同时这种责任对我们来说也是一个探索新的工作方式和教学方式的契机。德威的最大规模环境可持续发展课程是学校与学生合作的产物,我们的学生参与其中设计和引导了自己的学习体验。这种与学生共同设计的合作教学正在亚洲我们所有的学校中开创一种风潮,同时这项活动还赢得了一项世界纪录,这让我们无比自豪。”



“我曾担任德威国际教育集团的黑客马拉松活动HakD的主要网页开发人员,这一经验让我有机会也有信心加入此次最大规模环境可持续发展课程的主页开发团队”,Isaac 解释道,“STEAM(科学、技术、工程、艺术和数学)和网页开发是我的兴趣所在,气候危机则是我们人类面对的重大问题,我很高兴能将自己的兴趣所长用于这项倡议,加强大家对气候危机的关注。”

德威的这一最大规模环境可持续发展课程也拉开了“可持续十一月”的序幕,这项为期一个月的活动将进一步在整个德威学校大家庭中推动可持续生活理念。通过这项活动,德威将鼓励学生、教职员工和家长共同遵守在课上立下的“可持续发展誓约”,互相支持鼓励,养成切实永久地改变生活方式的习惯,从而为世界带来持久深远的影响。在此,我们还要衷心地感谢所有与Reich老师、Whitaker老师及Abass老师一同协作的学生和员工,以及由Jessie Wang所带领的DCI团队,是他们的共同努力造就了这堂面向3-11年级学生的伟大课程。

