
  • AGM

AustCham Shanghai Board of Directors Election 2020


A formal invitation to attend the Annual General Meeting 2020 of Ao Shang Hui Consulting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. was issued on Tuesday 12 May 2020. Here following is the Formal Election Notice for all Corporate Voting Member Representatives and AGM materials.

Any member of AustCham Shanghai is eligible and invited to attend the AGM 2020 and may participate in debate specifically related to their membership category; however only Voting Member Representatives in good standing who have registered as attending to vote at the AGM 2020 (or their formally appointed Proxy) may vote at the AGM.

AustCham Shanghai Annual General Meeting

Date: Friday, 19th June

Time: 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM China Time

(Registration starts at 4:30 PM)

Location: Australia House by AustCham Shanghai

80 Pingwu Rd, Changning District, Shanghai


Formal Registration is online: AGM 2020 Registration

The AGM 2020 will be concerned, inter alia, with the election to fill vacancies on the AustCham Shanghai Board of Directors falling due at the AGM 2020.

Members are reminded that all outstanding dues or monies owing of any kind outstanding over one month must be fully paid prior to the AGM 2020 by any Corporate Member whose Corporate Member Representative or duly appointed proxy wishes to be eligible to vote at the AGM 2020.

Note: Further documents, including the Annual Report 2020, or changes relating to this Agenda will be circulated prior to the AGM 2020.

Those Voting Member Representatives seeking to appoint a proxy are requested to register their apology using the online system, after which they will be contacted by the Company Secretary to confirm proxy details.

Each proxy appointment and their registration of attendance is required by 5:00 pm Thursday 18 June 2020 (24 hours prior to commencement of the AGM 2020).

Proxy Appointment Form

AGM 2019 Minutes

Members' Charter


Eight (8) nominations in good standing have been received by AustCham Shanghai for the six (6) current vacancies on the AustCham Shanghai Board 2020-2022 falling due at the AGM 2020.

> Election Slate of Candidate Nominations for the AustCham Shanghai Board of Directors Election 2020 to fill Board Vacancies 2020-2022

Electronic voting opens today, Wednesday 10 June 2020, for the election of the AustCham Shanghai Board of Directors vacancies 2020-2022. An email from the online anonymous election system, ElectionBuddy, has been sent with a unique voting code to eligible voters (those voting members in good standing as of 12 May 2020). Please check your email inbox and junk folder and contact lisa.pipito@austchamshanghai.com if you haven’t received the voting email.

Each Corporate/Voting MemberRepresentative may select up to six (6) candidates, but may only submit their vote once. Each Corporate/Voting Member Representative shall be responsible for the authenticity and anonymity of their vote. Once the vote has been submitted, it cannot be changed.

The electronic voting system will be closed on Wednesday 17 June 2020 at 5:00 pm (48 hours prior to the AGM). The Election Auditor shall verify the election result and submit the Election Auditor’s Statement, addressed to the Members of AustCham Shanghai, to the CEO and Company Secretary within 24 hours of the close of voting. Upon receipt, the statement will be released to the full membership by publication on the company website and presented at the AGM by the Chairman of the meeting.

All outstanding dues or monies owing of any kind outstanding over one month must be fully paid to the Secretariat prior to the AGM 2020 by any Corporate Member whose Corporate Member Representative or duly appointed proxy wishes to be eligible to vote on agenda item matters at the AGM 2020.